Vallee des Couleurs Nature Park - Belle Rose, Mauritius
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Vallee des Couleurs Nature Park
Mare Anguilles, Belle Rose, Mauritius
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Company description
The "La Vallée des Couleurs Nature Park" is one of the most popular
tourist destinations of Mauritius.
The "La Vallée des Couleurs Nature Park" is located in south east
of Mauritius at Cluny in the Grand Port District. The name La Vallée has
been adapted from the valley situated amid the lush mountain range.
La Vallée des Couleurs Nature Park has many attractions including
waterfalls with marine life like shrimps, eels and carps; anthurium and
green houses, prawn ponds, deer park, monkeys, birds, widespread plants
and a variety of other animals.
The natural beauty of the park is quite untouched and that makes it all
the more beautiful. The park is spread over a vast area, and that
prevents it from getting very crowded most of the times. So if you want
to experience nature from close quarters and want to do so in peace and
tranquility, the La Vallée des Couleurs Nature Park is the place you
want to be in.
If you are touring Mauritius, make sure you visit the La Vallée des
Couleurs Nature Park. It is a great way to go on an adventurous trip
while getting mesmerized by the beauty of nature simultaneously.
tourist destinations of Mauritius.
The "La Vallée des Couleurs Nature Park" is located in south east
of Mauritius at Cluny in the Grand Port District. The name La Vallée has
been adapted from the valley situated amid the lush mountain range.
La Vallée des Couleurs Nature Park has many attractions including
waterfalls with marine life like shrimps, eels and carps; anthurium and
green houses, prawn ponds, deer park, monkeys, birds, widespread plants
and a variety of other animals.
The natural beauty of the park is quite untouched and that makes it all
the more beautiful. The park is spread over a vast area, and that
prevents it from getting very crowded most of the times. So if you want
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to experience nature from close quarters and want to do so in peace and
tranquility, the La Vallée des Couleurs Nature Park is the place you
want to be in.
If you are touring Mauritius, make sure you visit the La Vallée des
Couleurs Nature Park. It is a great way to go on an adventurous trip
while getting mesmerized by the beauty of nature simultaneously.
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