Zazou Fishing - Mauritius
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Zazou Fishing
Centre de Peche, Mauritius
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Experience the sheer adrenaline of deep sea fishing with Zazou Fishing It's an unforgettable adventure… the experience of a lifetime…
Zazou Fishing is a family business that has been in operation since 1996. Our business originally had one small 28ft long boat but now boasts two boats, both over 38ft long. Although our business has grown over the years, we still pride ourselves in offering our customers a personalised fishing adventure with genuine Mauritian hospitality.
What separates Zazou Fishing from the rest is our passion for fishing. Our boats, Zazou 2 and Zazou 3, are part and parcel of the Mauritian fishing culture and have provided our customers with countless days of fun and impressive fishing stories to share with friends.
Fishing Zazou Fishing has caught over 200 blue and black marlins. Over 40 of the marlins have been 200kg or heavier. Other possible catches include sailfish, various sharks (hammerhead, mako, white fins, etc.), tunas (yellow fin up 80kg), doradoes, wahoos and bonitoes. Zazou Fishing's “personal” record catch is a blue marlin of 901 lbs (410kg), which was caught in February 2007. We practice various types of fishing, which include trolling, fishing with live bait, and tuna fishing in the afternoon. We also support the tag & release of billfish. Please enquire on booking for further details.
Competitions Both boats are used annually in many well known competitions such as the Marlin World Cup, the South Indian Ocean Billfish Competition and the bi-annual German Fertigs Fishing Competition. The boats are made available to the Rotary Club and the Lions Club for their annual fund raising events. We also organise small friendly competitions for our customers' corporate events or simply for fun.
Base of Operation Mauritius is a real deep-sea fishing paradise where the sea beds drops to 3000m within 12km from the coast. We are based in Black River , a world renowned fishing spot where catching granders comes part and parcel with the territory. If you are staying on the western side of the Island , we provide a transfer service from your hotel to the boats and back - free of charge.
Zazou Fishing is a family business that has been in operation since 1996. Our business originally had one small 28ft long boat but now boasts two boats, both over 38ft long. Although our business has grown over the years, we still pride ourselves in offering our customers a personalised fishing adventure with genuine Mauritian hospitality.
What separates Zazou Fishing from the rest is our passion for fishing. Our boats, Zazou 2 and Zazou 3, are part and parcel of the Mauritian fishing culture and have provided our customers with countless days of fun and impressive fishing stories to share with friends.
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Zazou 2 and Zazou 3 are 40ft (12m) and 38ft (11.5m) long boats respectively. Your friends and family can relax in comfort aboard whilst waiting for your first hook. The sundeck is perfect for sunbathing and enjoying refreshments and the cabin provides shade for ocean viewing. Our boats are fully equipped to international standards. Included in our equipment is an onboard GPS and radio (VHF) contact. Our skippers are in constant contact with our base as well as the Mauritian coast guard.Fishing Zazou Fishing has caught over 200 blue and black marlins. Over 40 of the marlins have been 200kg or heavier. Other possible catches include sailfish, various sharks (hammerhead, mako, white fins, etc.), tunas (yellow fin up 80kg), doradoes, wahoos and bonitoes. Zazou Fishing's “personal” record catch is a blue marlin of 901 lbs (410kg), which was caught in February 2007. We practice various types of fishing, which include trolling, fishing with live bait, and tuna fishing in the afternoon. We also support the tag & release of billfish. Please enquire on booking for further details.
Competitions Both boats are used annually in many well known competitions such as the Marlin World Cup, the South Indian Ocean Billfish Competition and the bi-annual German Fertigs Fishing Competition. The boats are made available to the Rotary Club and the Lions Club for their annual fund raising events. We also organise small friendly competitions for our customers' corporate events or simply for fun.
Base of Operation Mauritius is a real deep-sea fishing paradise where the sea beds drops to 3000m within 12km from the coast. We are based in Black River , a world renowned fishing spot where catching granders comes part and parcel with the territory. If you are staying on the western side of the Island , we provide a transfer service from your hotel to the boats and back - free of charge.
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