SummerTimes - Quatre Bornes, Mauritius
Vibrant café offering delicious coffee and eats.
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5, Avenue Bernardin de Saint Pierre, Quatre Bornes, Mauritius
Contact number
+(230) 427 1010
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Company description
It all started with a dream ..."Since times immemorial, human beings have been searching for the fountain of youth. They have yearned for everlasting beauty, power, wealth, wisdom... an eternal carefree summer.SummerTimes was created to respond to this basic human ideal. Our objective is to contribute in fulfilling this cherished dream. We endeavour to provide our guests with carefree, relaxing, quality time on our paradise island. Our vision is to ensure that they have a memorable holiday experience with SummerTimes. "Philippe Hitié, CSK - Managing Director & Founder - SummerTimes
SummerTimes started its operations in August 2000 offering a complete range of inbound services as a Destination Management Company (DMC), specialising in the handling of meetings, incentives,
The company is today a leader in the Mauritian tourism sector, with a highly dedicated team of experienced and knowledgeable staff; some with over 25 years hands-on experience in the field. All our staff have a vast knowledge of this dream destination.
Our head office is ideally located in the centre of the island in Quatre-Bornes, allowing ease of operations.
In 2004, SummerTimes Voyages was set up in Port Louis Waterfront and quickly became an IATA approved travel agency. During the same year, we proudly secured the exclusive franchisee for SIXT Rent a Car in Mauritius. Since 2006, SummerTimes has further extended its activities, becoming the general sales agents for Corsairfly - France.
SummerTimes is duly licensed by the Ministry of Tourism & Leisure. The company is a founder member of both AIOM (Association of Inbound Operators Mauritius) and ITMA (Incentive Travel & Meetings Association), and is also member of BAR (Board of Airlines).
SummerTimes started its operations in August 2000 offering a complete range of inbound services as a Destination Management Company (DMC), specialising in the handling of meetings, incentives,
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conferences and events (MICE) & passenger cruise ships.The company is today a leader in the Mauritian tourism sector, with a highly dedicated team of experienced and knowledgeable staff; some with over 25 years hands-on experience in the field. All our staff have a vast knowledge of this dream destination.
Our head office is ideally located in the centre of the island in Quatre-Bornes, allowing ease of operations.
In 2004, SummerTimes Voyages was set up in Port Louis Waterfront and quickly became an IATA approved travel agency. During the same year, we proudly secured the exclusive franchisee for SIXT Rent a Car in Mauritius. Since 2006, SummerTimes has further extended its activities, becoming the general sales agents for Corsairfly - France.
SummerTimes is duly licensed by the Ministry of Tourism & Leisure. The company is a founder member of both AIOM (Association of Inbound Operators Mauritius) and ITMA (Incentive Travel & Meetings Association), and is also member of BAR (Board of Airlines).
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