Atchia, Dr Munira - Port Louis, Mauritius

2 Reviews
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Atchia, Dr Munira
1 Rue Louis Victor de la Faye, Port Louis, Mauritius
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2 Reviews
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Root Canal Treatment
I was suffering from an atrocious tooth infection due to a filling that was close to my nerves.

When I went for my first visit. It was the start of the most horrible pain I would be experiencing for the next three weeks.

First Visit:

Check-up & Xray was done. She explained that there was a bad infection. A root canal was required. The next step was to remove the existing which she did without any numbing of that part of the mouth. After the atrocious pain, she tried to inject the anesthesia injection DIRECTLY IN MY SWOLLEN AND INFECTED NERVE ENDING. I still ponder how I survive that pain. Being someone who was never scared of injections or dentists I got my first blow. After the anesthesia, another patient came in. She asked me to go outside while she cater for the other one. Meanwhile I was drooling in the waiting room with the pain, with no tissue paper provided or dustbin around. I was called inside again after a good 30 min. However my mouth was not even numb from the injection. I told her several times however she kept on working and trying to clean my canals. Unable to bear the pain I asked her to stop several times before she finally declared that it will be better to just put a "pansement", prescribe anti-biotics for 5 days and come back next week.
She charged Rs1300.

Second Visit 1 week later:

She started to remove the pansement without any numbing again. Then again injected my nerve ending direction and having me writhe in pain. She supossedly cleaned 2 canals and had one last left for which I had to visit one last time along with the final restruction of the tooth with a filling. During this visit also the pain was unbearable although the infection was supposed to have subside after the anti-biotics I had been taking from my first visit.
This visit if I still remember well, she charge me with another Rs1200.

Third week third visit:

She made me go through the same freaking hell again. There was almost no numbing felt after the anesthesia and still she kept on working with me crying and asking to stop several time. Which of course she was not doing! My mom accompanied me, and it was only when she expressed that its impossible for someone to suffer like this under anesthesia that the Dentist gave me break and supposedly made another injection to try to numb my mouth which of course did not work again. After 45 min of torture she stopped. I thought that the cleaning was done and she would proceed to fill the tooth. However she said please come next week. There is another one more canal to clean and the we will see if there will be another visit or not.
This pissed me off. The pain was not gone and every time I went to her clinic was pure torture.
That day she charged me Rs500 or Rs800, I forgot.

After that I just found another dentist and visited him. He did the treatment from stage 1 all over again. But this time it was almost painless. The first thing the dentist would do was make sure the side of my mouth he was treating was COMPLETELY NUMB. The whole treatment actually cost me less than what I spent previously.

Now this Dentist Im reviewing, used to be the one I visit when I was a kid. She was a good one. But I guess she does not keep up with technology and lost gist of her work and became money minded.

The temporary fillings she was putting would have to cured by waiting 1 hour before I could drink while the othwr dentist I visited, I would be able to eating almost immediately after I left his clinic.

After 3 incomplete treatment I had already spent 3k while another 2 more sessions minimum was required on the other hand I had a better experience and complete treatment in 3.5k.

I would die taking in medicines and painkillers but would never ever let her treat me again even if she were to be the last dentist standing on earth.
I had a very bad experience with the dentist. She did a plombage where part of it came off immediately and the rest the next day. I had to take half day again to go and get it redone. Meanwhile, I don't know what's the side-effect on my health. Moreover, she tells me instead of charging for two visits, she is doing me a favour to charge for one only one. Moreover for the Rs 1000 I paid just for one plombage, the service is very bad.
What side effect on your health? For 1 day without 'plombage'?
Did u respect the time that u shudnt eat after the plombage? It happens also gor me with another dentist..three times it fell tben i changed dentist..and hd removed a good tooth for me...
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Questions & Answers

Hello! i would like to know if by applying baking soda to whiten my teeth , will it cause any harmful effects ? ( baking soda mixed with lemon juice )
Waiting for your prompt reply.
Thank you.

Branches 3

Monseigneur Gonin Str., , Port Louis
8 Frere Felix de Valois Street, Port Louis,

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