Clinique Medisave - Quatre Bornes, Mauritius
Advanced medical services with personalized care.
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Company name
Clinique Medisave
29 Rte. Saint Jean, Quatre Bornes, Mauritius
Contact number
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Working hours
- Monday: 24 hours
- Tuesday: 24 hours
- Wednesday: 24 hours
- Thursday: 24 hours
- Friday: 24 hours
- Saturday: 24 hours
- Sunday: 24 hours
E-mail address
Company description
Welcome to Medisave
Medisave has been providing quality medical care to the Mauritian public for over two decades.
Individuals, families and corporations can find a wide variety of services available.
Please visit our Services section to learn more.
We are committed to providing the very best in patient care and strive to provide superlative care by focusing on each patient’s needs.
You are in good hands!
Medisave has been providing quality medical care to the Mauritian public for over two decades.
Individuals, families and corporations can find a wide variety of services available.
Please visit our Services section to learn more.
We are committed to providing the very best in patient care and strive to provide superlative care by focusing on each patient’s needs.
You are in good hands!
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Questions & Answers
Bonjour, est ce que les test PCR sont effectuees a la clinique medisave? si oui combien sa coute?
I need some information concerning maternity for normal delivery and caesarean, please?
Bonjour, Je suis enceinte et à la recherche de quelques informations dans des cliniques pour mon accouchement. Pouvez-vous me faire parvenir la liste de vos gyneco? et aussi une fourchette concernant les tariffs pour les accouchements chez vous naturel ou césarienne?
Merci D'avance
Merci D'avance
Is there haemodialysis in medisave?
would like to know how much is a session as we will be in mauritius for holiday for 3 week
Verified Business
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