Briani House - Port Louis, Mauritius
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Briani House
Route Royale (Opposite Total filling station), Port Louis, Mauritius
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Company description
The restaurant specializes in traditional Awadhi style food preparation. The distinctive Dum Pukht cuisine has found a niche for itself in the modern world and is finding new converts every day. We at Biryani House cuisine promise the experience that international gourmet seeks.
The recipes for the tandoori items are a fusion of traditional Indian frontier cuisine and modern style cooking. Food is cooked in its own juices, with no foreign addition. The subtle flavors and aromas of spices are delicately blended into the dish before the pot is sealed and cooked on gentle heat with each dish being an individual creation with a personality. The dinning experience is totally relaxed, to be able to enjoy this blissful heritage cuisine, which is the perfect blend of Frontier, East and Dum Pukht cuisine in a delectably blended cooking pot.
The recipes for the tandoori items are a fusion of traditional Indian frontier cuisine and modern style cooking. Food is cooked in its own juices, with no foreign addition. The subtle flavors and aromas of spices are delicately blended into the dish before the pot is sealed and cooked on gentle heat with each dish being an individual creation with a personality. The dinning experience is totally relaxed, to be able to enjoy this blissful heritage cuisine, which is the perfect blend of Frontier, East and Dum Pukht cuisine in a delectably blended cooking pot.
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