Banana Beach Club - Grand Baie, Mauritius
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Banana Beach Club
Royal Road, Grand Baie, Mauritius
Contact number
(+230) 263 7297
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Company description
Grand Baie- this is were the party is happening! In the center of the touristic city you can find a legend of Mauritian nightlife: the Banana Beach Club! Already 26 years ago the notorios bar was opened. Since that time Grand Baie´s nightlife district can not be imagined without the bar!
The well-patronized bar was even the backdrop for several movies and for the TV ad of the famous Phoenix beer. And also celebrities which wanted to discover Mauritian nightlife have been guests in Banana Beach Club!
Banana Beach Club is popular among tourists and locals! So there is always a varied audience in the trendy open-air bar.
For those who love concerts, Banana Beach Club is the right place to be! Usually every friday and saturday there are bands playing in the bar. To reggae, jazz, pop
No matter, if you prefer a cold beer, a glas of wine or a softdrink, Banana Beach Club caters for all tastes. There is also a huge variety of cocktails of all kinds. Between 5 and 9 pm there is Happy Hour on beer and selected drinks.
Those who are interested in sports can watch different sport events on two tvs. When there are important events, there will be a big screen installed in the bar, where you can watch football, rugby and other sports.
Big fans of Banana Beach Club can purchase memorabilia like caps, shot glasses t-shirts and sweatshirts with the logo of the bar.
The Banana Beach Club is opened on Mondays at 12 o´clock and the rest of the days at 10 am. Depending on the amount of party people the bar is closed between 2 am and 3 am. Even if a cyclon is blowing over the island, the bar might be opened! Once a cylon of stage 2 was blustering in Mauritius, but the Banana Beach Club was still openend. "There was a cyclon outside- and inside!" the manager of "Banana" commented on this memorable night.
The entrance for the bar is free! When there are live bands on fridays and saturdays, the admission is 100 Rupees, but you will get a "drink ticket" in the same amount which can be redeemed at the bar. On fridays its "Ladies Night", so for women the entrance is free.
The well-patronized bar was even the backdrop for several movies and for the TV ad of the famous Phoenix beer. And also celebrities which wanted to discover Mauritian nightlife have been guests in Banana Beach Club!
Banana Beach Club is popular among tourists and locals! So there is always a varied audience in the trendy open-air bar.
For those who love concerts, Banana Beach Club is the right place to be! Usually every friday and saturday there are bands playing in the bar. To reggae, jazz, pop
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and rock the party people are shaking their legs! During the week Dj Roy is on the turntables between 10 pm and 2 am.No matter, if you prefer a cold beer, a glas of wine or a softdrink, Banana Beach Club caters for all tastes. There is also a huge variety of cocktails of all kinds. Between 5 and 9 pm there is Happy Hour on beer and selected drinks.
Those who are interested in sports can watch different sport events on two tvs. When there are important events, there will be a big screen installed in the bar, where you can watch football, rugby and other sports.
Big fans of Banana Beach Club can purchase memorabilia like caps, shot glasses t-shirts and sweatshirts with the logo of the bar.
The Banana Beach Club is opened on Mondays at 12 o´clock and the rest of the days at 10 am. Depending on the amount of party people the bar is closed between 2 am and 3 am. Even if a cyclon is blowing over the island, the bar might be opened! Once a cylon of stage 2 was blustering in Mauritius, but the Banana Beach Club was still openend. "There was a cyclon outside- and inside!" the manager of "Banana" commented on this memorable night.
The entrance for the bar is free! When there are live bands on fridays and saturdays, the admission is 100 Rupees, but you will get a "drink ticket" in the same amount which can be redeemed at the bar. On fridays its "Ladies Night", so for women the entrance is free.
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