Clinique Bon Pasteur- Nouvelle Clinique Du Bon Pasteur Rose Hill - Mauritius

Quality healthcare services in Rose Hill area.
1 Review
Clinique Bon Pasteur- Nouvelle Clinique Du Bon Pasteur Rose Hill
Clinique Bon Pasteur- Nouvelle Clinique Du Bon Pasteur Rose Hill
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Hospital name
Clinique Bon Pasteur- Nouvelle Clinique Du Bon Pasteur Rose Hill
MGR. J. Mamet Street Rose Hill, Mauritius
Contact number
+230 454 0632
Website address
Working hours
  • Monday: 24 hours
  • Tuesday: 24 hours
  • Wednesday: 24 hours
  • Thursday: 24 hours
  • Friday: 24 hours
  • Saturday: 24 hours
  • Sunday: 24 hours
E-mail address
Company description
Clinique Bon Pasteur was launched by the “Sisters of the Bon et Perpétuel Secours” in 1932.Although situated at the back of Notre Dame de Lourdes Church, right in the heart of Rose-Hill, Clinique Bon Pasteur offers a peaceful and welcoming atmosphere. It was originally conceived as a charitable organization. The first director was Sister Mary Incarnate, a French nurse living in Mauritius.
In 1947, the clinic was given a boost when Sister Mary of Charity, took over and soon built up the Maternity section as the backbone of the clinic’s activities which soon achieved national recognition for professionalism and caring. In 1968, the congregation handed over the management to the Catholic Diocese of Port-Louis which put in place a new team headed by Dr. François Tadebois, his sister  
Show more Christiane and his son Nicolas.
The clinic has since been run as a “family business” where human values coupled with a professional approach provide the establishment with a comforting appeal. Under this new steerage, the constant evolution has gone into top gear at all levels especially concerning the personnel as well as the equipment. The Clinique Bon Pasteur is now a reference in its field. It never ceases to improve its offerings, aiming for perfection.
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1 Review
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Aucun sens du customer service et de l'accueil!!!
6/8/21: r.vous au service consultations outpatient pour 10.15a.m. Sur place 30minutes d'attente alors que le patient souffrait de diahree et etait a mobilite tres reduite suite a 2 a.v.c: la receptionniste m'a dit que je pouvais aller consulter ailleurs si je le voulais en tapant des poings sur sa table. Le jeune monsieur qui ne s'est pas presente nous a crie :'Sortez! Foutez le camp!!' - Meme l'agent de securite lui a dit de se calmer: le monsieur l'a menace de s'occuper de lui plus tard....
Le monsieur et la receptionniste sont de vrais caracteriels. Par leur attitude: non assistance a personne en danger: changez de metier!!
Ma notation:0/10. Cette clinique devrait fermer! Intolerable!!

Questions & Answers

Can you tell me how much it costs a surgery for ovarian cyst? Will have to stay four nights. The surgery will be conducted by dr beebeejaun.He already his fee. I would like to know the fee of the hospital and its services including anesthesis doctor.
Dear sir,i would like to know some informations on consultation days and where for doctor Seeneevassen.
Hi have to do vvs test for my legs.want to know the price plz.
Good morning. i want to do some test. i want to know the price for a check up with a gyneco. thanks. this is quite urgent?

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