La Clinique Mauricienne - Moka, Mauritius

Comprehensive healthcare services in Mauritius.
2 Reviews
La Clinique Mauricienne
  • Verified
Hospital name
La Clinique Mauricienne
Reduit, Moka, Mauritius
Contact number
+230 464 8813
Working hours
  • Monday: 24 hours
  • Tuesday: 24 hours
  • Wednesday: 24 hours
  • Thursday: 24 hours
  • Friday: 24 hours
  • Saturday: 24 hours
  • Sunday: 24 hours
E-mail address
Company description
La Clinique Mauricienne is one of the leading private health care providers in Mauritius. The clinic provides a wide range of medical services, including general medicine, ophthalmology, cardiology, orthopedics, gastroenterology, and dentistry. The clinic also offers a range of diagnostic tests, including X-rays, ultrasounds, and endoscopies. La Clinique Mauricienne has a team of experienced doctors and staff that are dedicated to providing the highest quality of care to their patients. The clinic is committed to providing a safe, comfortable, and compassionate environment for their patients, ensuring that their needs are met. La Clinique Mauricienne is committed to providing the best quality care and services, so that patients can receive the best possible outcome.
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2 Reviews
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I would like to point out that the nurses talk too loudly, my mum was in the common room, she was on chloroform and told me that she couldn’t sleep peacefully as they were making a lot of noises, talking loudly and yelling and laughing.
In a hospital this should be a moment where the patient need rest and should be able to sleep in peace.
I'm searching for a good knee specilist , if is availiable in your clinic

regards gabriel

Questions & Answers

Hi wanted to confirm for the following test for work. Can u please provide me information abt the following medical test 1.full blood count, 2. Fasting plasma glucose, 3. Urine micros, 4. Chest x-ray, 5. ECG..Can u please provide me the price and information about how to proceed with these tests.
Are u doing anti covid vaccination for children aged 12 years old?
Dear, sir / Madam,

Could you please give me the price for delivery of a baby.
Dear, sir / Madam,
Grateful to you please if you can give me the price for delivery of a baby.
Can i get the number for your billing department?
A skull was send to your lab for DNA testing 8 month ago from Seychelles. The result came back and all that can be said is it's older than 1years old and doesn't match any of the four family DNA. I'm one of the family member that gave the DNA sample.
Please let me know what is the cost of a full body medical checkup (for Seafarers) including sight, hearing and chest xray. I'll appreciate if I could be contacted via my mobile as soon as possible for a possible quotation.
What is your email address please?

faites vous des accouchements et quel est le tarif?

merci d'avance,
View all 9 questions

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