4G Capital - Grand Baie, Mauritius
Empowering entrepreneurs through financial solutions.
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Company name
4G Capital
Riviere du Rempart, Grand Baie, Mauritius
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2013E-mail address
Company description
Since 2013, 4G Capital has been supporting micro-enterprises in Africa by providing financial literacy training and working capital loans to help small businesses grow sustainably. Through their bespoke programme of business training, clients are able to use micro-loans to increase their take-home earnings. 4G Capital's machine learning technology provides high fidelity insights from traditionally data dark sectors, which allows them to design scalable credit products and services that are optimized for clients’ business risks, timescales and affordability. Training is delivered through mobile apps and face-to-face outreach, and loans are accessible in under two minutes with either smart or feature phones, using only mobile money.
4G Capital directly addresses the Finance Gap across
4G Capital is achieving very high collection rates without collateral or refinancing, by only lending to viable businesses on terms that are right for them. With operations in Kenya and Uganda and having received multiple industry awards, 4G Capital is now scaling across the continent and expanding their suite of products and services. They are on target to positively impact over 1 million people by 2020, with key achievements such as 94% collection rates without refin
4G Capital directly addresses the Finance Gap across
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Africa, which stands at over $19 billion for Micro and SMEs in Kenya alone (source: IFC). This important segment accounts for over 30% of GDP, but it is almost impossible for these companies to access credit without high collateral and data requirements. Over 30% of small businesses fail due to lack of funding.4G Capital is achieving very high collection rates without collateral or refinancing, by only lending to viable businesses on terms that are right for them. With operations in Kenya and Uganda and having received multiple industry awards, 4G Capital is now scaling across the continent and expanding their suite of products and services. They are on target to positively impact over 1 million people by 2020, with key achievements such as 94% collection rates without refin
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