Clinic Muller - Curepipe, Mauritius
Clinic Muller
2 Reviews
Clinic MullerClinic Muller, Collège Lane, Curepipe, Mauritius+230 670 2911
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Company name
Clinic Muller
Clinic Muller, Collège Lane, Curepipe, Mauritius
Contact number
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Company description
Clinic Muller is a private clinic in Curepipe, Mauritius
Our Mission
Provide Personalized, Caring and Professional Services to each and every patient using the Best Affordable Technologies, Top Quality drugs and consumables while remaining Cost-Effective for the Total Welfare of our patients
Director of Clinic Muller
MB BCh B.A.O. ( Dublin)
D.M.R.D. F.R.C.R. ( London)
Consultant Radiologist
Our Services
Emergency Service
Ambulance Service
Outpatient Services
Inpatient Services
Ophthalmology Centre
Our Mission
Provide Personalized, Caring and Professional Services to each and every patient using the Best Affordable Technologies, Top Quality drugs and consumables while remaining Cost-Effective for the Total Welfare of our patients
Director of Clinic Muller
MB BCh B.A.O. ( Dublin)
D.M.R.D. F.R.C.R. ( London)
Consultant Radiologist
Our Services
Emergency Service
Ambulance Service
Outpatient Services
Inpatient Services
Ophthalmology Centre
Listed in categories
Clinic MullerClinic Muller, Collège Lane, Curepipe, Mauritius+230 670 2911
Great care
My mother was admitted under the care of Dr Javan for three nights. The care, compassion and professionalism shown by the Medical, Nursing, and Ambulance staff was very compassionate, friendly and helpful. It was the same for her review a fortnight later. I have no worries about taking her there again for her next appointment. Thanks to everyone for doing a very good job.
Clinic MullerClinic Muller, Collège Lane, Curepipe, Mauritius+230 670 2911
Suite a mon hospitalisation jeudi au vendredi quelques mecontentetements comme certainenes personnes a 1h58 je dormais le doctejr non francais et creoles me reveils et me dit sleep et j ai une une sereingue dans ma bouteilles
Je m explique avec le decocteur du jeudi soir il me dit il n es pas pqs francais ni creole mais inde. A 5h02 je me reveilles par des enfants du pzrsonnelles es ce normal avoir des enfants dans ce millieu ? Je ne sais pas
Je me permet de denoncer car je donne une certaines sommes pour mes soins
Quand au docteur chef bien prfoffessionnelles.
Suite a mon hospitalisation jeudi au vendredi quelques mecontentetements comme certainenes personnes a 1h58 je dormais le doctejr non francais et creoles me reveils et me dit sleep et j ai une une sereingue dans ma bouteilles
Je m explique avec le decocteur du jeudi soir il me dit il n es pas pqs francais ni creole mais inde. A 5h02 je me reveilles par des enfants du pzrsonnelles es ce normal avoir des enfants dans ce millieu ? Je ne sais pas
Je me permet de denoncer car je donne une certaines sommes pour mes soins
Quand au docteur chef bien prfoffessionnelles.
Questions & Answers
How much does it cost for normal delivery?
How much it costs for normal delivery and cs ?
How much it costs for normal delivery and cs please?
Hello Can i have a quotation for CS delivery?
Hello Can i have a quotation for CS delivery?
How much does a CT SCAN cost ?
How much it cost for a CS please?
How much it costs for normal delivery and cs please?
Can i have a quotation for normal and CS delivery ?
Hi how much does it cost for normal delivery and cs
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