HealthUp - Mrs. Lindsay Kassem - Grand Baie, Mauritius

Innovative wellness solutions for healthier living.
1 Review
HealthUp - Mrs. Lindsay Kassem
HealthUp - Mrs. Lindsay Kassem
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  • +10Years
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HealthUp - Mrs. Lindsay Kassem
The Act, Health Scape, Forbach, WJV7+V89, Health Scape, Forbach, Grand Baie, Mauritius
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Company description
Holistic Health Coach for busy, high achievers, to reach their health & life goals such as lose weight, gain more energy, get balance, reduce overwhelm, anxiety, and anger and most importantly to bring more overall health & peace into their lives.

Holistic health & mindset coach. I help leaders & their families in Mauritius achieve optimal health for power & performance.

I use DNA testing and the latest evidence-based health science to create a custom-tailored road map for you and your family.

Receive advanced techniques that I've developed that rewire harmful habits and thoughts.

Through mindset training, optimal nutrition, and advanced lifestyle practices, I help clients reduce stress & health issues so they can enjoy their life & achieve their goals.
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I almost didn’t do the coaching as I thought I shouldn’t need a coach to tell me to just eat less & move more, but glad I respected myself enough to let an expert in, as she taught me so many invaluable things and in a way that motivated me. I didn't expect some of my food issues were not related to food. She helped me become more aware of how to improve so many things in my life, in a subtle way. This improved my relationship with food. I have lost weight and I am feeling great. I got rid of a food that was causing me so many issues even though it was negative on an allergy test. My life has improved so much. We were able to speak by phone, which was more convenient for me. I highly recommend Lindsey's abilities!

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