Beuchat Mauritius - Port Louis
Exceptional diving gear for underwater exploration.
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With Us
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Beuchat Mauritius
Rue Lislet Geoffroy, Port Louis, Mauritius
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1934Company description
Founded by George Beuchat in the Thirties, The Company Beuchat has been involved in the development of all aspect of underwater activities. George Beuchat conducted many experimental dives and all the early developments in diving were conducted of the coast of Marseille.
1953 George Beuchat invented the first isothermal diving suit.
1964 The "Jet Fin" was created. This product is still in production today, and is used by Military & Commercial Divers all over the world. Over 40 years without any modifications. For more than sixty years Beuchat has been at the fore front in the design, development, manufacturing and marketing of new products which have marked the history of diving and spearfishing.
Distributed around the world into 80 countries, Beuchat is recognised worldwide as a
Our team of research and development divers, passionate about their sport continually listen to the comments of our users.
Our aim is to anticipate the desires and needs of our customers. To then design and produce products increasingly more desirable and more comfortable to use, whilst fulfilling the safety requirements.
To implement our projects quickly and to guarantee the quality & reliability of our products, we decided to integrate our various expertises (plastic injection, machining, and assembly). into our factory in Marseilles.
Extremely proud of our history and convictions, we will remain a world leader in diving & spearfishing.
1953 George Beuchat invented the first isothermal diving suit.
1964 The "Jet Fin" was created. This product is still in production today, and is used by Military & Commercial Divers all over the world. Over 40 years without any modifications. For more than sixty years Beuchat has been at the fore front in the design, development, manufacturing and marketing of new products which have marked the history of diving and spearfishing.
Distributed around the world into 80 countries, Beuchat is recognised worldwide as a
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market leader in the fields of Scuba Diving and Spear Fishing.Our team of research and development divers, passionate about their sport continually listen to the comments of our users.
Our aim is to anticipate the desires and needs of our customers. To then design and produce products increasingly more desirable and more comfortable to use, whilst fulfilling the safety requirements.
To implement our projects quickly and to guarantee the quality & reliability of our products, we decided to integrate our various expertises (plastic injection, machining, and assembly). into our factory in Marseilles.
Extremely proud of our history and convictions, we will remain a world leader in diving & spearfishing.
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