Ambulance Victoria Hospital - Mauritius
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Hospital name
Ambulance Victoria Hospital
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Working hours
- Monday: 24 hours
- Tuesday: 24 hours
- Wednesday: 24 hours
- Thursday: 24 hours
- Friday: 24 hours
- Saturday: 24 hours
- Sunday: 24 hours
Company description
AMBULANCE VICTORIA HOSPITAL in Mauritius is a renowned healthcare provider offering a comprehensive range of medical services. It is located in the heart of the capital, Port Louis, and is renowned for its excellent healthcare and friendly staff. The hospital is well-equipped with modern diagnostic and therapeutic facilities, as well as a highly qualified team of medical experts. The hospital provides a wide range of medical services, such as general medical care, emergency medical services, surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, and radiology. It also provides specialized services such as cardiology, dermatology, neurology and urology. The hospital is committed to providing quality healthcare and excellent patient care. The staff is dedicated to providing the highest level of care in a
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safe, secure and efficient environment. At AMBULANCE VICTORIA HOSPITAL, we strive to provide the highest quality of medical care to our patients, and to ensure that they receive the best possible treatment.Listed in categories
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