Lancasters - Mauritius
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We believe that businesses need versatility, flexibility and dynamism. Versatility – because one business has several activities, flexibility – because profitable businesses need to adapt to their changing environment and dynamism – because this change need to be made expeditiously. This reflects our profile and we endeavour to assist our clients to adapt to their changing environment.
To achieve this we provide a personalised service through our dedicated team of professionals. We assure our client direct line access. We provide a very professional level of service deriving from our
Lancasters is a two partners firm of Chartered Accountants. We decided to establish the firm in order to help the business community find an alternative to the ‘Big 4' accountancy practices. All the personnel of the firm are from the ‘Big 4' accountancy firm background. We have a commitment to our clients to provide a very high service level, while providing a personalised service at optimal fees for you.
Our mission is to provide you with a service level achieving excellence to help you invest and harvest. We believe that the economic environment is dynamic and continuously changing. In all fairness, perfection can rarely be achieved, but, excellence can.
Our organisational structure revolutionises the traditional accounting firm structure. We have a ‘real' flat structure where all of our colleagues have responsibility for their respective clients. Therefore, you will have a direct communication line with the person responsible of your file. This frees up Partner time and enables the Partner in charge to work alongside the team member on high level issues and will always be available for review, advice or meet with you.
To achieve this we provide a personalised service through our dedicated team of professionals. We assure our client direct line access. We provide a very professional level of service deriving from our
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wide range of experience in professional environment and adapting our service to the client requirements. As a result of this, the clients that have placed their trust in us range from sole traders to very large organisations.Lancasters is a two partners firm of Chartered Accountants. We decided to establish the firm in order to help the business community find an alternative to the ‘Big 4' accountancy practices. All the personnel of the firm are from the ‘Big 4' accountancy firm background. We have a commitment to our clients to provide a very high service level, while providing a personalised service at optimal fees for you.
Our mission is to provide you with a service level achieving excellence to help you invest and harvest. We believe that the economic environment is dynamic and continuously changing. In all fairness, perfection can rarely be achieved, but, excellence can.
Our organisational structure revolutionises the traditional accounting firm structure. We have a ‘real' flat structure where all of our colleagues have responsibility for their respective clients. Therefore, you will have a direct communication line with the person responsible of your file. This frees up Partner time and enables the Partner in charge to work alongside the team member on high level issues and will always be available for review, advice or meet with you.
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