DOLSWIM LTD - Black River, Mauritius
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In front of the Island Sports Club, Black River, Mauritius
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467 7720
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Dolswim Mauritius - Dolphins and Whales watching
Dolphin Encounter in Mauritius
Dolphins and whales are perhaps the most fantastic of all the creatures that live in the ocean. These mammals have always had a special place in man heart and mind. The dolphins - cheerfull and playfull, symbol of intelligence and grace as well as The whales - so big, so mysterious and so amazing, can be encountered on the west coat of Mauritius. The Dolphins, the Spinners and the Bottlenose, have made of the West Coast of Mauritius a place to rest and sleep before going to the deep sea to fish.
Dolphins lived in pods of around 20 individuals or more and can be observed swimming casually from Tamarin on their way to the deep sea off the coast of le Morne penninsula, early in the morning.
Whales encounter
The Whales and Humpback can be observed between July and November and the Sperm Whale can be observed all year round when they move from poles to warmer sea near the equator to reproduce, give birth and breed before getting back to the artic. Whales can be observed off the West coast of Mauritius.
Dolphin Encounter in Mauritius
Dolphins and whales are perhaps the most fantastic of all the creatures that live in the ocean. These mammals have always had a special place in man heart and mind. The dolphins - cheerfull and playfull, symbol of intelligence and grace as well as The whales - so big, so mysterious and so amazing, can be encountered on the west coat of Mauritius. The Dolphins, the Spinners and the Bottlenose, have made of the West Coast of Mauritius a place to rest and sleep before going to the deep sea to fish.
Dolphins lived in pods of around 20 individuals or more and can be observed swimming casually from Tamarin on their way to the deep sea off the coast of le Morne penninsula, early in the morning.
Whales encounter
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on the West coast of MauritiusThe Whales and Humpback can be observed between July and November and the Sperm Whale can be observed all year round when they move from poles to warmer sea near the equator to reproduce, give birth and breed before getting back to the artic. Whales can be observed off the West coast of Mauritius.
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