Mauritius Examination Syndicate - Port Louis
Educational assessments and certification authority in Mauritius.
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School name
Mauritius Examination Syndicate
Reduit, Port Louis, Mauritius
Contact number
+230 454 7675
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
E-mail address
Company description
The Mauritius Examination Syndicate (MES) is the main body responsible for the planning, administration and management of the examinations system in Mauritius. The MES is an independent, autonomous body, which was established in 1978, and is governed by the Education Act of 2002. The mission of the MES is to ensure that all examinations conducted in Mauritius are fair and equitable, in order to maintain the highest standards of educational excellence.
The MES is responsible for the setting, marking and grading of all public examinations conducted in Mauritius, which include the Cambridge International Examinations, the Mauritius School Certificate, and the Mauritius Higher School Certificate. The MES also provides training and development opportunities to teachers and examiners, in
The MES is committed to providing a secure and reliable examination system, which is designed to promote the best possible learning outcomes for students. In addition, the MES is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct in all matters related to the examinations system. In this way, the MES ensures that students in Mauritius have access to a fair and reliable system of assessment and evaluation. In conclusion, the Mauritius Examination Syndicate is dedicated to providing the highest quality of examinations in Mauritius, and strives to ensure that all students have equal access to educational opportunities.
The MES is responsible for the setting, marking and grading of all public examinations conducted in Mauritius, which include the Cambridge International Examinations, the Mauritius School Certificate, and the Mauritius Higher School Certificate. The MES also provides training and development opportunities to teachers and examiners, in
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order to ensure that they are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver high-quality examinations.The MES is committed to providing a secure and reliable examination system, which is designed to promote the best possible learning outcomes for students. In addition, the MES is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct in all matters related to the examinations system. In this way, the MES ensures that students in Mauritius have access to a fair and reliable system of assessment and evaluation. In conclusion, the Mauritius Examination Syndicate is dedicated to providing the highest quality of examinations in Mauritius, and strives to ensure that all students have equal access to educational opportunities.
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