Maritim Hotel Mauritius - Terre Rouge
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Hotel name
Maritim Hotel Mauritius
Maritim Hotel Mauritius, Balaclava/Turtle Bay, Terre Rouge
Contact number
+230 204 1020
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Company description
Since its inception in 1969, largely determine the Maritim Hotel is happening in the German countryside and made himself known as a German hotel chain on an international scale. This attractive portfolio is characterized by city and airport hotels in prime locations with perfect transport connections as well as resort hotels in attractive countryside on the sea, lake or well-maintained parks. Each house has its individual merits, but one addition to elegance and comfort, the Maritim formula "days and living under one roof". Maritim Hotel Company is today the largest private provider of conference facilities in Germany. International and domestic customers appreciate the excellent furnished houses, and the long-standing expertise and experience in planning, organization and direction of
There are three restaurants, two bars, Conference & Banquets facililities ( room for max 350 persons) and meetings rooms ( max 60 and 12 persons ), swimming pool, children’s club, babysitting, gym and sauna, shopping arcade, hairdresser and our SPA Fui Sui An.
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major events. With its elegant rooms, suites and public spaces, inviting restaurants, spacious spa areas and attractive bars are the Maritim hotel as a figurehead of the German four-star hotels.Advertisements
There are three restaurants, two bars, Conference & Banquets facililities ( room for max 350 persons) and meetings rooms ( max 60 and 12 persons ), swimming pool, children’s club, babysitting, gym and sauna, shopping arcade, hairdresser and our SPA Fui Sui An.
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