Maurisoft Solutions Ltd. - Pailles, Mauritius
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Company name
Maurisoft Solutions Ltd.
Maurisoft Solutions Ltd., Sibotie House, L’Anse Courtois, Pailles, Mauritius
Contact number
(230) 286 96 29
Website address
Company description
Maurisoft Solutions Ltd is a Regional IT Distributor covering the Indian Ocean Islands. We also play a very important role with all the different sectors of the economy and market in the promotion, training and transfer of IT technology.
Maurisoft also proposes a wide range of hardware and software to create and mix your own music on your computer. All you need for DJing and Homestudio: keyboards, mixers, USB controllers, sound cards, DVD, DJ software, hard disks, tutorials… We represent famous international brands such as M-Audio, MixVibes, FileMaker, LaCie, Wacom, Pearson and Propellerhead.
Maurisoft provides Adobe licenses and software in print publishing, web design, photography, video and Acrobat, as well as comprehensive training in the use of these software.
Maurisoft also proposes a wide range of hardware and software to create and mix your own music on your computer. All you need for DJing and Homestudio: keyboards, mixers, USB controllers, sound cards, DVD, DJ software, hard disks, tutorials… We represent famous international brands such as M-Audio, MixVibes, FileMaker, LaCie, Wacom, Pearson and Propellerhead.
Maurisoft provides Adobe licenses and software in print publishing, web design, photography, video and Acrobat, as well as comprehensive training in the use of these software.
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Questions & Answers
Bonjour, je voudrais savoir si je pourrais avoir un USB MIDI KEYBOARD CONTROLLER?
Pourrais-je avoir un devis pour logiciel Adobe PhotoShop/ LightRoom / Adobe Illustrator
Merci Brenda
Pourrais-je avoir un devis pour logiciel Adobe PhotoShop/ LightRoom / Adobe Illustrator
Merci Brenda
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