Giant Leap Ltd - Quatre Bornes, Mauritius
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Company name
Giant Leap Ltd
, 37 Tristan D'Avice Ave, Quatre Bornes, Mauritius
Contact number
+ 230 424 4978
Website address
Establishment year
2010E-mail address
Company description
SOURCINGWhen markets are on the move, there must be a clear understanding of the countless factors that make up the commodity price and how to systematically develop a source plan for purchases.
Giant Leap Ltd has strong relationships with its core suppliers through a mixture of off-take agreements, joint ventures and long term trading connections.
Our source plan takes advantage of these global relationships, transacting with suppliers that have demonstrated an outstanding ability with regard to quality and performance.
RISK MANAGEMENTRisk is an inherent part of our business activity and its management is fundamental to our success.
There are a number of risks involved in the sale and procurement of commodity products. Giant Leap Ltd seeks to eliminate these risks through
The company has established uniform contractual terms, which it applies globally, in order to mitigate the commercial risk of any transaction. A comprehensive marine insurance policy is used to cover logistics risk and financial risk is mitigated by selling against letters of credit from first class banks or, for open term business, to customers covered by credit insurance.
Decades of dependable deals have enabled us to acquire a solid reputation with banks and financial institutions. Our extensive lines of credit, structuring capability, use of advanced financial instruments and unique insurance facilities, enable us to provide solutions to challenging problems.
LOGISTICSGiant Leap Ltd has a specialized team of professionals dedicated to providing a fully integrated shipping and logistics package to its trading partners.
We are committed to solving every type of transportation and logistic related problem, ensuring an efficient, secure and timely solution from source of supply to final destination. We specialize in building the proper alliances with ship-owners and obtaining the right vessel combinations and port rotations, thus acquiring the capability to provide a thorough service using vessel, rail and truck.
We work in all areas of the dry chartering market and charters all vessel sizes from small coasters, handy size and handymax sizes for steel shipments, panamax and cape size vessels for bulk cargoes.
The successful loading and unloading of material, including appropriate damage prevention measures, is of great importance. Giant Leap Ltd works actively to ensure the safe and reliable handling of cargo through its established global relationships.
In order to eliminate risk and guarantee service, Giant Leap Ltd performs regular reviews of business partners, establishes relationships with reputable and reliable carriers and forwarders and employs experienced cargo supers and inspectors where necessary.
At Giant Leap Ltd the relationship between the Trading Departments and the Shipping and Operations Department is one of utilizing synergies in order to provide an integrated service to the client. To do so, we will leave no stone unturned until the right answer is found.
Giant Leap Ltd has strong relationships with its core suppliers through a mixture of off-take agreements, joint ventures and long term trading connections.
Our source plan takes advantage of these global relationships, transacting with suppliers that have demonstrated an outstanding ability with regard to quality and performance.
RISK MANAGEMENTRisk is an inherent part of our business activity and its management is fundamental to our success.
There are a number of risks involved in the sale and procurement of commodity products. Giant Leap Ltd seeks to eliminate these risks through
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the implementation of tight internal controls on new transactions and the continuous monitoring of ongoing transactions.The company has established uniform contractual terms, which it applies globally, in order to mitigate the commercial risk of any transaction. A comprehensive marine insurance policy is used to cover logistics risk and financial risk is mitigated by selling against letters of credit from first class banks or, for open term business, to customers covered by credit insurance.
Decades of dependable deals have enabled us to acquire a solid reputation with banks and financial institutions. Our extensive lines of credit, structuring capability, use of advanced financial instruments and unique insurance facilities, enable us to provide solutions to challenging problems.
LOGISTICSGiant Leap Ltd has a specialized team of professionals dedicated to providing a fully integrated shipping and logistics package to its trading partners.
We are committed to solving every type of transportation and logistic related problem, ensuring an efficient, secure and timely solution from source of supply to final destination. We specialize in building the proper alliances with ship-owners and obtaining the right vessel combinations and port rotations, thus acquiring the capability to provide a thorough service using vessel, rail and truck.
We work in all areas of the dry chartering market and charters all vessel sizes from small coasters, handy size and handymax sizes for steel shipments, panamax and cape size vessels for bulk cargoes.
The successful loading and unloading of material, including appropriate damage prevention measures, is of great importance. Giant Leap Ltd works actively to ensure the safe and reliable handling of cargo through its established global relationships.
In order to eliminate risk and guarantee service, Giant Leap Ltd performs regular reviews of business partners, establishes relationships with reputable and reliable carriers and forwarders and employs experienced cargo supers and inspectors where necessary.
At Giant Leap Ltd the relationship between the Trading Departments and the Shipping and Operations Department is one of utilizing synergies in order to provide an integrated service to the client. To do so, we will leave no stone unturned until the right answer is found.
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