Combatting corruption in Mauritius - Mauritius

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Combatting corruption in Mauritius
Talipot Lane, 73 Botanical Gardens St Curepipe, Mauritius
Company description
Allegations of corruption have become common features in the press worldwide and Mauritius is no exception. Here are some indications that confirm the urgency of the situation:
In the Transparency International 1998 Corruption Perception Index, released in September 1998, Mauritius scored 5 out of 10 and was ranked 33rd out of a total of 85 countries;
Under the heading “Bribes and kickbacks”, the Global Competitiveness Report, released in July 1999, ranks Mauritius 49 out of a total of 59 countries, with a score of 2,49 out of 7. Those surveyed had to say whether they strongly disagree (= 1) or strongly agree (= 7) with the statement: “Personal bribes and kickbacks to senior politicians is rarely alleged in public discussions and rumours”;
The same report ranks  
Show more Mauritius 49 again out of a total of 59 countries under the heading “Government Favoritism” with a score of 2,97 out of 7. Those surveyed had to say whether they strongly disagree (= 1) or strongly agree (= 7) with the following statement: “Sweetheart deals between well-connected private firms and the government are not common”.
The problem of corruption has become a national issue and every single person has a role to play in promoting integrity.
This is no more than a guide, for everyday use, by:
Every citizen;Every student;Every person in a responsible position;Every public sector employee;Every elected member of the National Assembly, of a Municipality, of a District Council or of a Village Council.Put into practice, the contents of this guide can transform Mauritius into an island of integrity.


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