Leisure Lifestyle - Mauritius
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Leisure Lifestyle
Royal Road, Mauritius
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Outdoor AdventuresAre you thinking of building a good team spirit among the members of your staff? And improve their interpersonal relationship to better perform. “Leisure Lifestyle” outdoor adventures will enable you to achieve your goals and objectives. Our outdoor programme will stimulate your team by giving them the opportunity to seek adventure, feel the peace of nature and the excitement of discoveries. Our qualified team will assist your personnel to enjoy mountain climbing, discover our indigenous forests, enjoy the spectacular beauty of waterfalls, and educate them on endemic plants and endangered species like the Mauritius Kestrel and Pink Pigeon. “Leisure Lifestyle” believes in the value of challenge and adventure for all because outdoor experiences can:* develop
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awareness and understanding of self and relationships with others * encourage responsibility for self and for one’s own learning * build a sense of community * develop awareness and respect for the environment * build the ability for purposeful recreation * enhance quality of life; provide exercise, relaxation and enjoyment. With more than 10 years of experience in this field, our team will enchant you during every outing. Our special package cost Rs 7,500 including a 64 seater bus for the whole day trip and four guides for your outdoor adventures. Other packages are also available on demand. You will get a hint of various activities that we can organise for your team as per attached brochure. Please feel free to contact me Mr Yogen on 774-2271 for any information. The way to discover the hidden beauty of MauritiusThe Flora and Fauna is what make Mauritius what it is. And one must experience this beauty to appreciate this island. You wonder why Mark Twain said that Mauritius was made first, then paradise. It is extra ordinary to imagine our sun, sea and sand intermingled in lush vegetation. Leisure Lifestyle enables you to adventure, to feel, to explore and to have lots of fun and excitement on off beaten tracks.. Our qualified team makes you enjoy mountain climbing, discover our forests, enjoy the spectacular beauty of waterfalls, and educate you on endemic plants and endangered species like Kestrel and Pink Pigeon. Sa flore et sa faune font de l’Ile Maurice ce qu’elle est vraiment. Pour pouvoir vraiment apprécier l’Ile à sa juste valeur, cette beauté doit être vécue. Ce n’est sûrement pas par hasard que Mark Twain a dit que l’Ile Maurice a été d’abord créée, puis le paradis. Le fait d’imaginer notre soleil et nos plages s’entremêler avec toute la verdure ne peut que faire rêver. Leisure Lifestyle vous permettra de vivre l’aventure, de ressentir, d’explorer et de vivre l’excitation des sentiers battus. Notre équipe formée et spécialisée vous permettra de vous amuser tout en escaladant des montagnes, de dé couvrir nos forets et de vivre la beauté spectaculaire de nos cascades. Ce sera aussi l’occasion pour nos guides de vous partager leur connaissance des plantes endémiques et des espèces protégées tels que le Kestrel et le Pigeon des Mares. This company is at hand to fulfill your dream and give you an unforgettable holiday. Cette compagnie est à la portée des mains pour réaliser vos rêves tout en laissant une vacance inoubliable.Location map
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