Trou aux Biches Village Hôtel - Mauritius

Hotel name
Trou aux Biches Village Hôtel
Royal Road, Trou aux Biches, Mauritius
Contact number
230 261-6611
Company description
On the Northern coast of the island, protected against the wind, Trou aux Biches, named after the typical fishermen’s village it is nestled in, has acquired a reputation bordering on the myth when it comes to hospitality benchmarks. It incarnates the ideal romantic hideaway with a picture-perfect 2-km powder-white beach, a startling blue lagoon that stretches as far as the eye can see and magnificent sunsets that defy all exotic standards and set the water on fire. A double-promise of authenticity and escape.
Hotels rooms:
The “Mauritian identity” is revealed straight away; the materials used display a strong character, exude an energy that belongs to the island: wood and thatch compose the 197 bungalows scattered in the gardens. All bungalows are composed by 3 to 4  
Show more rooms or Suites and are spread on 2 levels.
The rooms feature terraces, for an additional touch or freshness, and are oriented towards the immensity of the sea. Some of the Suites have been carefully designed and appointed to cater for families of 3 children. It feels natural to make yourself at home in this place that exhales a delicious feeling of evasion by the sea.
The graciousness of the Mauritian culture is unveiled to you through cultural dances, theme evenings and shows. Resident band every night, cultural dances, theme evenings, shows, casino (under separate management, open every night as from 8 p.m.) are among the night activities that Le Trou aux Biches has to offer.
Children facilities:
Bob Marlin Mini Club
The hostesses of the Bob Marlin Mini Club will gladly take care of your children aged between 3 and 12 years old and will ensure that their stay becomes a memorable one.


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