Karl Kaiser - Mauritius
Karl Kaiser
2 Reviews
Karl KaiserMarketing Export, Longtill Building, Arsenal+230 249 2270https://www.yelo.mu/img/site/default-business2.jpg
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Karl Kaiser
Marketing Export, Longtill Building, Arsenal, Mauritius
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Karl KaiserMarketing Export, Longtill Building, Arsenal+230 249 2270https://www.yelo.mu/img/site/default-business2.jpg
Left without us and left us stranded on Île plate
We were waiting at the meeting point at the meeting time for the return. They loaded a small boat in front of us to take hem back on the main catamaran. They never came back for us. Furthermore, there were signs on the boat saying 30 persons max aboard. We were 42. There were less than 30 safety jacket onboard, the crew even mocked about it. I reached out to them afterward, they never responded.
Karl KaiserMarketing Export, Longtill Building, Arsenal+230 249 2270https://www.yelo.mu/img/site/default-business2.jpg
6000 rupees (175$) for a disappointing ride, Karl Kaiser Group Mauritius, Grand Bay. 07-18-2018
(*sorry for my english) we started of somewhat strong with a deposit of 1000 rupees the day before the activity but when we arrived on time at 8:15 we had to wait an hour before entering the boat, this was okay and they did tell us that we would be missing out of one island due to the weather, still we had one or two others to visit. They had told us that we could re-book biut we decided that missing out on one island was okay since we would still go snorkling above the reef. when we entered the boat they where pretty quick to embark which was good but since it was a catamaran we expected to be sailing but they used the engine the whole way. The crew didnt seem to be allowed to speak to us or they just didnt know what was going on. when we arrived at Coin de mire(?), the place where we would be staying to snorkel it wasnt possible due to the weather and then basically we just returned to Pereybere. so basically we paid 175$ for an hour with Karl Kaiser. Either it is a scam or they just had a bad day, just like us.
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